Work type: Temporary Appointment
Location: Sudan
Categories: Emergency Programme, NO-2
UNICEF works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years working to improve the lives of children and their families. Defending children's rights throughout their lives requires a global presence, aiming to produce results and understand their effects. UNICEF believes all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential – to the benefit of a better world.
For every child, www.unicef.org/sudan
Sudan is a huge country, more than four times the size of Sweden and the third largest in Africa—even after South Sudan was carved out in 2011. Sudan has a lot of land and resources, a population of 40 million and a history that predates the Nubian kingdoms established along the Nile River around 4,000 BC.
Sudan’s children make up half of the total population, and the past two decades have seen their lives improve. Fewer boys and girls are dying before their fifth birthday. Primary school attendance is increasing. Immunization coverage is high and the country remains polio free.
Still, millions of children continue to suffer from chronic conflict, from seasonal natural disasters and disease outbreaks, from under-investment in basic social services. Sudan ranks as one of the worst in the world for malnutrition, and three million of its school aged children are not in the classroom.
How can you make a difference?
Under the direction of the WASH and Nutrition sector coordinators, and in close coordination with the Emergency coordinator, the field operation, the PM&E section, the programme sections and the Information Management Officer will play a vital role in collecting, analyzing, and sharing real time information for the WASH and Nutrition sectors partners to make informed strategic and programmatic decisions on the needs of the affected populations and on the prioritization of these areas per multi-sector indicators.
- Report to the national WASH and Nutrition sector coordinators and respond to the sectors members needs for real time information collection, analysis, reporting and presentation
- Provide information management services to WASH and Nutrition sectors for key decision making. These services include survey / questionnaire design, data collection, collation, mapping, analysis, and dissemination relevant to the needs of the sectors.
- Contribute to WASH and Nutrition sectors meetings, highlighting the evolution of needs, capacities, gaps and challenges.
- Promote and train on the use of WASH and Nutrition standards monitoring tools among UNICEF, Government and humanitarian staff and partners.
- Contribute to the decentralization of information management by developing adequate strategies and build capacity of Information Management Officers of WASH and Nutrition colleagues and partners at national and sub-national levels.
Data gathering & data warehousing
- Proactively liaise and gather information from other sectors /organizations as well as national and sub-national authorities to assess and access existing information (primary and secondary type of information) on humanitarian, early recovery and development in a real-time data acquisition
- Identify barriers for information collection, collation, analysis and sharing and develop appropriate supportive strategies to overcome these barriers
- Data warehousing of relevant WASH and Nutrition sector data sets focusing on humanitarian, early recovery and development data across Sudan, including number and location of population (IDPs, refugees, returnees, host communities), population movement, camps and settlements, access to basic services, outbreaks, infrastructures, socio-economic data, etc.
- Design and support sector coordinators in designing different kind of assessments and questionnaires
- Design, develop and manage data warehouse of relevant WASH and Nutrition sector knowledge such as assessments, response, evaluations, reports, gaps, analysis, etc.
- Ensure the data are disaggregated by age and sex
Information management
- Adopt and promote the use of information management global and national standards and policies among WASH and Nutrition sectors partners
- Collect, store, compile, manage, analyze and represent relevant reference datasets and perform data quality and consistency control
- Lead on the preparation and analysis of spatial and temporal data with emphasis on WASH and Nutrition sector plans, targets, coverage, gaps, achievements and overlaps of sectors activities and projects related to the humanitarian project cycle such as Humanitarian need overview (HNO) and Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)
- Perform data analysis to assist the process of programme and project planning, management, monitoring, evaluation & reporting
- Ensure information management leadership to support the organization and development of needs assessment and monitoring activities
- Ensure that information management activities support national information systems
- Participate in WASH and Nutrition sector coordination meetings and Information management working group meetings for IDPs, refugees, returnees and vulnerable population.
- Support the sector coordination by preparing monthly meeting invitation, agenda and minutes of meeting and follow-up on action points with sector partners
- Work with the OCHA, UNHCR, UNDP, Government of Sudan Information Management Officers to develop appropriate and supportive strategies
- Develop methods for ensuring the quality of data
- Support sector coordinators in developing data share protocol with partners
- Proactively establish and maintain working relations, and share ideas through information management networks and promote synergies with other sectors
Tools & products
- Develop and maintain tools to provide appropriate real time information management for coordination, needs assessment systems and monitoring, including situation, performance and results monitoring systems.
- In collaboration with other Information Management Officers, assess and adapt appropriate existing tools including those available in-country and global level.
- From the diverse monitoring tools, develop derivative products such as tables, graphs, maps, infographics and trend analysis
- Manage the flows of information and dissemination in an appropriate way including Humanitarian Response Info, sector bulletin / newsletter / factsheet / dashboard / SitRep / report / email, etc.
- Adapt and update the 4-5Ws response monitoring database to meet the needs of WASH and Nutrition partners, OCHA, UNHCR, UNDP, Government of Sudan authorities, etc.
- Verify incoming sector partners 4-5Ws data to ensure its consistency
- In collaboration with sector coordination teams, partners and OCHA, develop and maintain a result monitoring framework that encompasses the WASH and Nutrition sector outputs and outcomes
- Support sector reporting such as quarterly reports, financial fund report and other ad-hoc reports
- Collect and maintain up to date information and analysis on all current and potential partners, area of work, their capacities (technical and supplies) and performance
- Collect and maintain up to date information and analysis on financial humanitarian requirements and contributions (SHF / CERF, bilateral funding, etc.)
- Maintain contact lists and calendar of events at national and sub-national levels for sector partners
- Consider the translation of any information management products in English / Arabic
Support & training
- Maintain regular communication with the Information Management Officers at field level
- Develop and strengthen the information management capacity of sector partners Information Management Officers at national and sub-national levels through the conducting of relevant trainings and adequate coaching
- Ensure effective communication, reporting, engagement and coordination between the national and sub-national levels on any information management related matters
- Support and strengthen field assessment and monitoring mechanisms.
- Advanced university degree in Information Management, Information Systems, geo-informatics, information technology or related field. Minimum of 2 years of relevant experience at professional level, preferably in humanitarian / development information management or research and data analysis.
- A Bachelor university degree in a relevant technical field (as identified above), in conjunction with 4 years of relevant work experience may be taken in lieu of an advanced university degree.
- Formal training in sector information management and work experience with UN and / or NGO is an asset.
- Experience in emergency and protracted contexts is required.
- Experience in sector coordination and knowledge of humanitarian setting is required.
- Fluency in English and Arabic is required.
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Applications close: 07 Feb 2018 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time
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